# of watchers: 41
| D20: 19 |
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2006-02-05 [Lust]: O.o..
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: hahaha! i like that person, who are they?
2006-02-05 [Lust]: A freak
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: what is everyone talkin about?
2006-02-05 [Frosty French Fry]: lickable??...I agree
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: i'm confused
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Lmao! This pic
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: oh ok then lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: .... O.o... And AM NOT!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: sorry I gotta agree with spanky and pimpin :P lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: LIES!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: na they aren't
2006-02-05 [Lust]: .... *glares at everyone from the garbage can*
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: oh come on don't glare lol
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: you know you love us boss, and obviously we love you too!! ;)
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: exactly :D
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: see? hey boss,...*sly smile* wanna try out that closet in the bar? lol, jk,...
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: oh i'd be careful with sayin stuff like that around her lol :P
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: :P i know, i was just kiddin,...
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: lol I know but has ANYONE gone into that closet yet? lol good god I bet it feels lonely lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Probaly does, you two gonna go have fun?
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: well,...i dunno, what do you think B?
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: I don't care lol I feel bad for the closet so *walks into the closet and sits down*
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: *follows and sits in the corner behind some coats* you cant see me!!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: *moves the coats* HELLOOOOOOO lol
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: ahh! look at you *pinches cheek* hey, let's actually go to the closet,...
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Go to the closet! NOW!!
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: yes ma'am!!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: lol ok
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: I have forgotten how to go to the closet lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: ^-^
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: it's in the bar B
2006-02-05 [Lust]: The Mafia Closet
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: that works too
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: oh thanks :D
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: 'Ello mates, how is everyone
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: fine! just fine and how are you today?
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: so tired
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: then sleep lol
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: then sleep
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: i know how that feels,...i had to tear down a bunk bed and re-put it up and set up a whole new bed,..my back's killin me,...
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: awwwwww well then you should sleep lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Oi...
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: eh,..maybe later,...
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: i would,but my daughter is keeping me up
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: aww, im sorry, she is cute tho!!
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Awww, babys are like that!
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: yeah they are,haha.
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: lol, i kno how that goes,...
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Rasing him/her alone? Or what? *cerious*
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: no
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: you should see her husband, he's adorable!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: well after you say that I want to lol
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: lol *blushes* he was my child sweetheart, or however you say that.
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: want to what B? see her husband?
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: well thats sweet *talking to we can both say* and yes whenever someone sez that I should see something I have to see it lol
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: i think so
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: awww,...thats' sooo sweet hun!
2006-02-05 [Lust]: How are you both out here and in the closet?
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: yeah :)
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: who?
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: oh yeah by the way, y'all can call me cait (short for caitlyn).
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: cuz we're good like at
2006-02-05 [Lust]: O.o..
2006-02-05 [itweetinHEELS]: how are ya, Lyn?
2006-02-05 [W!ld KAT]: now we're allthree here and inthe closet O.O
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Erm...
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: ok i'm outa the closet hehe kinda lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Oh boy...
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: what?
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Nuttin!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: oh come on you gotta tell me lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Nu uh!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
2006-02-05 [Lust]: O.o..... MOOOO!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: hey don't think acting like a cow will get you out of this lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: LMAO!
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: come on PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what was funny
2006-02-05 [Lust]: I dont remember
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: well crap lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Yeahh..
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: well just read back it'll come to you lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: O.O
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: you know I wanna do something but if I do you'll probly kill me lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: What is it?
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: uhhhhhhh I was gonna poke you lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: ... I'll bite your finger off
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: oh so I wouldn't be dead just hurt lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: uh huh
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: hummmmmmmmm but what if I ran? lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: what if I throw a knife into your back?
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: ow that would hurt lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: o.O I bet
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: so please don't lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Heh.. =P Dont tempt me
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: AH *hides*
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Uh huh
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: but then again you don't wanna throw a knife at one of your family members do ya?
2006-02-05 [Lust]: It wont kill you, jsut put you down for a few days.
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: that'd still be bad lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: *shrugs*
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: fine knock me out for a few days if it'll make you feel good
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Nahh...
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: *can keep from muffiling small laugh no longer*
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: oh ok then *comes out of hideing* just to make sure you knew where I was the whole time didn't you lol
2006-02-05 [Lust]: *yawns*
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: *hides* i have been found...
2006-02-05 [Lust]: ?
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: lol hiya wolf you is up late lol
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: i;m in defiance of the athourity figures (aka: parents) i get to choise how late i;m up as long as i;m not still up when they wake up
2006-02-05 [Lust]: cows
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: well thats cool lol I kinda get that
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: *cow i win!!* well, that is what i must do, lest they run my life
2006-02-05 [Lust]: I'm goin to be right way, night you 2
2006-02-05 [B-Raz]: true
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: night boss
2006-02-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: kick ass, a mafia, good times...
2006-02-05 [WYSIWYG]: um can some one point me to the front desk? i can tfigure out where to apply, i mena i see it but i dotn know hwo to get my nameup help me please!
2006-02-05 [Lust]: *rases her hand* talk to me
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: ^da boss
2006-02-05 [Lust]: ^-^ Ish me
2006-02-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: " im one of the new spies"
2006-02-05 [Lust]: I'm da Boss! DUN DUN DUN... Still makes me feel fat...
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: welcome!
2006-02-05 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Hello. :)
2006-02-05 [Lust]: SO many new people.. *falls on her back* Hello?
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: need some help boss?
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Nahh... I'm good down here
2006-02-05 [Lust]: No one step on me!
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: sure thing *give you a wide birth*
2006-02-05 [Lust]: *blinks* Huh?
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: just making sure i don;t step on you. i gotta run. hopefully i;ll be back tonight (a have weird allowence time for the computer-sorry)
2006-02-05 [Lust]: Take care
2006-02-05 [Soft as Bone]: see ya
2006-02-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: i need a other spy to join me in the police station missions.
2006-02-05 [Sweet Surrender]: What do these missions detail?
2006-02-05 [Lust]: As in?
2006-02-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: these include missions 1 & 2 get old fred out, and assasinate everyone on the force without being killed
2006-02-05 [Sweet Surrender]: oh, okay. I'm a little new at this.
2006-02-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: so are there any spys that would like to join me in these missions?
2006-02-05 [Frosty French Fry]: I dont think we should eliminate everyone on the force...We should buy them...
2006-02-05 [Voice of the Voiceless]: ooo very nice i like that idea
2006-02-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: I could be of assistance although i am not a spy
2006-02-06 [Voice of the Voiceless]: * yes , i would be very grateful*
2006-02-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: Oh, and i have the weapons in you requested
2006-02-06 [Voice of the Voiceless]: * oh thankyou*
2006-02-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: ypur most welcome
2006-02-06 [Voice of the Voiceless]: once again ty
2006-02-06 [Blinded Seraphim]: its my job
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: I could help to if you need it
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: hello all!!
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: HIYA SPANKY :D
2006-02-06 [Lust]: MOOOO!
2006-02-06 [Frosty French Fry]: hey
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: whatcha doin? not havein fun with out me are ya? ;)
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: na it's boring here without you lol JUST KIDDING BOSS lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: lol, eh,...boss knows yall are boring ;) jk yall jk!!!
2006-02-06 [Lust]: How do I put up with ye'll? I do not know.. *sighs*
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: awww, you know you love us boss!!
2006-02-06 [Lust]: Yeah, I do
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: :P *whispers to B* i knew it!!
2006-02-06 [Lust]: *glares*
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: *wispers back to spanky* I think it's just everyone but me lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: *big sweet smile* luv ya boss-lady!!
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: *nudges b with elbow* shhh!! she loves you too!
2006-02-06 [Frosty French Fry]: *stares at that texas smile*
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: *looks at matt, sticks out tounge and crosses eyes* lol
2006-02-06 [Lust]: Oh god! I'm goin to da bar..
2006-02-06 [Frosty French Fry]: *snaps outta it*....oh huh wha....ya anyways...*wal
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: *shrugs* *pokes B on the nose* O.O
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: hey thats not nice *pokes back*
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: *pokes in side* are you ticklish??
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: nope i'm not nore have I ever been tickleish :P lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: me neither,...*po
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: well thats not fair lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: hey, life's a bitch,...;)
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: oh such a bad mouth lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: eh,...you'll get over it! lol
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: yeah I know my little brothers is worse lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: lol, you aint heard nothin yet hun,..
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: I know it won't be as bad as my brother lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: ha! my parents stopped gettin on to me when i was 7,....
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: lol I still say my brother is worse lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: ok, whatever you say hun,....
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: so what's up?
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: uhhhhhhhhh with me or the other people that aren't talking? lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: everyone, i'm feelin lovey tonight
2006-02-06 [Frosty French Fry]: *walks out of the back room with a box*...hey..th
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: not at all! *jumps up, looks at b, pulls on his arm till he stands*
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: lol ok fine :P *grabs a box and follows pimpin*
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: *pats him on the head as he passes* good boy!! *big texas smile*
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: lol ya gotta love that smile :P lol
2006-02-06 [Frosty French Fry]: *walks back in*...sheesh..
2006-02-06 [B-Raz]: only kinda lol
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: lol *smiles at matt* *picks up box with ease* these are light!!
2006-02-06 [Frosty French Fry]: those arent guns...just carry it carfully PLEASE
2006-02-06 [W!ld KAT]: nuh-uh! *puts box down and opens* see? ful of,...stuf,...
2006-02-06 [Lust]: O.o
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